Poor online marketing results?

Every dollar needs to count.

If your website and social media aren’t helping YOUR business,
then what are they actually doing but costing YOU money?

We make sure your digital marketing activities get results.

Years of Experience
Millions of Marketing $$ Managed
Plus Hours of Projects Managed
Millions of $ of Revenue Driven
Social Content That Sells
You need social content that is going to drive up your visitors, and increase inquiries and purchases. Without results, social media is just a bad distraction.

We review your content strategy and create a new performance-based plan.
Become a true Thought Leader
It is always easier to make inroads with new clients and partners when they see you as a thought leader. To do that you need a framework and great content.

We help you create and execute that content plan. Photography, writing/scripting, video, editing, publishing - we do all that for you!
Challenge your Business Strategy
You need a second set of eyes for your business strategy. It can be too easy to get tunnel vision and not see obvious ways to improve or avoid pitfalls.

We can help you work on your business plan and processes. We can do the in-depth business analysis of what is and isn't working and recommend a way forward. We can launch and measure trial tactics to help you get to the next level.
Turbo Charge your Sales
Not everything you do in your digital marketing plan will increase sales. You need to pick your priorities and test until you make meaningful progress.

We assess your sales engine, introducing tactics and tests to turn your pipeline into a reliable money-maker. Once you drive reliable recurring revenue then it is time to scale!
Get Help with key projects
Looking for an expert to manage your complex project, or do you need your project management processes reviewed/optimized? Do you maybe have a project that is in trouble that needs some emergency repair?

We can help - either with a term engagement, training or execution.
Benefit from Digital Marketing
Trying to balance your social media accounts, website, user interfaces, e-commerce, advertising, analytics, search engines, email and sales? It can be a lot.

We help identify priorities and generate positive results! Sometimes just having someone help you pick priorities is all that is required to make major progress.
Let’s have a coffee together.
Whether you are local in Winnipeg or not we can have a short discussion and talk about your business and what could be working better. In as little as 20 minutes we are usually able to uncover  significant ways to impact your business! That’s usually all it takes before we have ideas on how to take your business to the next level!
Joel’s value is immeasurable, his goal oriented & forward thinking attitude is a powerful combination. The ability to talk at the CEO level or to the programmer with equal level of expertise is a rare trait in today’s fast moving digital world.
Project Management Professional
Social Media Content Marketing
Website & SEO
Business Analysis & Strategy
Project Management
the work

We’re proud of the Winnipeg consulting clients we’ve worked with and continue to work tirelessly to propel their businesses and priorities forward.

the brains
The JPC Work process

Without a solid, proven framework for success you can end up wasting a lot of time and money building processes and tactics that don’t get you ahead.

Who’s got time for that?

business analysis & discovery

We dig in and learn what makes you tick. How is your business missing your dream goals? What is working, what isn’t? What is the economics of your business – average transaction size, opportunity funnel, close rate and profitability?

plan & prototype

Once we know you inside and out, we formulate a collection of ideas/tactics that can work (and have worked for others!). We review these and determine difficulty + contribution from these tactics to build a priority-based project plan backlog.

execute & test

Our plans are forever adaptable, we begin executing on priorities and measure everything meticulously so we know what should be next. Lessons learned are always folded in and we keep optimizing your business!

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